17.11.2021 // Actualités générales

Brexit and its impact on the Swiss economy

Webinar on 2 December 2021 at 2pm in English

From 1 January 2023, products placed on the British market must comply with British product requirements and bear the UKCA stamp. The CE marking will thus lose its validity. But what does this mean for Swiss companies supplying the UK market? This webinar, organized by Swissmem, will answer general questions on this topic as well as specific questions on the impact on machinery and standards. Those interested are welcome to participate.

Leaving the European Union, the UK also left the EU’s CE system. For products placed on the British Market, UK Authorities recognize the CE compliance until the end of 2022. This extension to the transition period allows more time to make the necessary arrangements within the manufacturing companies. However, the day will come when only UKCA-compliant products can be sold. Preparations must now be made to ensure a smooth transition.

The webinar aims to answer general questions (such as which products need to be UKCA marked, whether a «responsible person» will be mandatory in the UK, what are the prerequisites for UKCA labelling, and who is the importer?) as well as specific questions on machinery and standards.

Target group:
Heads of technology, export specialists, project managers, CEOs, product managers, Compliance Officers, «UKCA» Officers, etc.

Charlotte Dickin, Senior Policy Advisor at Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS)
and other speakers

Votre contact pour plus d'informations :
Marcel Knecht, , Tél : +41 52 224 54 27

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